How to Heal Your Body from Home?
My favourite part of the week is when I have an appointment booked with my Massage Therapist, Acupuncturist, Osteopath or Network Chiropractor. I know after these appointments I will have total relaxation and be in a state of bliss until I pick up my daughter from school. Each one of these therapies help on different levels and I know it seems like a lot but a very wise RMT said to me, “it takes a team to keep us healthy” and she was so right.
I will never give up going to my health team, but I know I cannot go every day. With a busy mom schedule and running my own business, I wish I could have them all live in my home, but I know my husband would never agree!
Through my years of traveling the world and learning about various natural health practices, I have come across an amazing Thermal Massage Bed which is an FDA approved medical device that provides a fully customized massage that will tune up your body in the comforts of your own home.
It is called Ceragem and the company was founded in 1998 in South Korea (Asia is the centre for natural therapies) so this is not a new technology, but it is new for me and I feel I must share this with the world.
Ceragem is the first automatic thermal massage bed and has become the best in its field, has over 2500 centres in over 70 countries globally.
What is so special about the bed and how can it heal your body? Here is a summary:
- Uses Chiropractic principles to stretch, gently decompress and align the spine.
- Deep tissue massage to alleviate all the tension in the muscles around the spine.
- Far Infrared light to bring deep heat and detoxify the blood and increase circulation.
- Acupressure principles to unlock your blocked energy channels.
All of these practices combined with destressing while lying on the bed for 40 minutes, gives your body a full tune up.
My first experience on the bed was intense as I have been suffering with lower back pain and tension in my shoulders. When the jade rollers go up and down your spine, it highlights my tense problematic areas. The rollers push up into certain points along your spine and you feel movement between each vertebrae giving you mobility and flexibility. The heat from the far infrared lights is very soothing and relaxes your body allowing the rollers to work its magic.
It was a challenge to get off the bed as my body was so relaxed yet my lower back felt really sore and my neck but by the next morning my lower back felt better and the pain in my neck was starting to release. By going 3 days in a row, really allows the rollers to get deeper each time which produces better results, and you feel so much better.
Figure 1First Time on Ceragem Bed
It is not a cure and as we have so much daily stress, we need to continue using the bed on a regular basis if not every day to detox our body, release all the tension in our spine which controls the rest of your body.
If you live in the Greater Toronto Area and want to come in for a 3-day FREE trial, simply contact me for the location of one of our centres. We also offer monthly memberships to have access to the beds in our centres.
Having this bed in your home will change your life and your families.
Take control of your health today and contact me directly for more details.
This post was written and contributed by:
Lisa Schick Entrepreneur, Health and Wellness advocate, Kangen Water Distributor.